The configuration file of the Housing Script
Main Config (shared/config.lua)
Config = {}
Config.AdminGroup = "admin"
Config.JobProperty = "dinasty"
--Target = "qb-target" -- qb-target, ox_target etc...
-- Use ox?
Config.ox_inventory = false
-- Enable blips if you has key or is owner or is on sell
Config.HousesBlips = {
Selling = false, -- All time view on map blips
Owned = true,
HasKey = true
-- If Config.HousesBlips Selling = true then command is unnecessary and can set to false
Config.housesSellingCommand = "houses" -- Alternate blip of selling houses, can set false if HousesBlips.Selling is true
Config.SellBlip = {
Sprite = 350, -- 374
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.6,
Color = 0,
Config.Blip = {
Sprite = 492,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.6,
Color = 0,
Config.MaxKeys = -1 -- Infinite = -1
Config.SaveFurnishEvery = 5 -- minutes
Config.PlayersCanTrasnferOwner = true
Config.PlayersCanSellHouse = true
Config.OpenMenuDecoration = 246
Config.OpenManageMenu = 47
-- Some furnis delete on this example because use 1350 furnish and can't copy here
Config.Furnitures = {
["Category"] = {
--Prop without action
[`prop_couch_03`] = {
prop = "prop_couch_03",
price = 0,
action = nil,
--Prop with action
[`prop_couch_04`] = {
prop = "prop_couch_03",
price = 0,
action = function(entity, houseId, furniId, isExterior, hasKey)
-- create what you want with some checks
--You can add more house exterior model props
Config.HousesProp = {
["House #22"] = "lf_house_01_",
--The orginal config have some shells configured from K4MB1 "All Shells Sub Pack"
Config.HouseShells = {
-- add the shells you have
["classichouse_shell"] = {
pos = vec3(4.78, -2.11, -3.26),
hdg = 87.93,
prop = `classichouse_shell`,
Language (shared/language.lua)
Lang = {
["zone_defined"] = "Zone exterior defined",
["zone_error"] = "You need 3 points to create zone",
["zone_canceled"] = "Creation zone canceled",
["place_point"] = "Place point",
["confirm_creation"] = "Confirm creation",
["cancel_creation"] = "Cancel creation",
["rotate_garage"] = "Rotate",
["confirm_garage"] = "Confirm",
["cancel_garage"] = "Cancel",
["garage_created"] = "Garage created!",
["garage_canceled"] = "Creation garage canceled!",
["select_door"] = "Select door",
["door_exist"] = "Door is selected, select another door",
["confirm_place_house"] = "Confirm Position",
["cancel_place_house"] = "Cancel Place House",
["focus_place_house"] = "Focus House/Character",
["move_place_house"] = "Move House",
["rotate_place_house"] = "Rotate House",
["ground_place_house"] = "Place on Ground",
["dialog_set_price"] = "Set Price Property",
["dialog_set_price_desc"] = "Set Price Property",
["dialog_set_price_label"] = "Price Property",
["menu_select_type_property"] = "Select Property Type",
["menu_create_normal_house"] = "Create Normal House",
["menu_create_normal_house_desc"] = "Create normal houses with this option",
["menu_create_mlo_house"] = "Create MLO House",
["menu_create_mlo_house_desc"] = "Create MLO Houses with doors locks and exterior building",
["dialog_set_distance_door_interact"] = "Distance to interact",
["dialog_set_distance_label"] = "Distance",
["dialog_set_distance_desc"] = "Set the distance interact door",
["menu_title_doubles"] = "Doubles",
["menu_title_slider"] = "Slider",
["menu_title_basic"] = "Basic",
["menu_title_basic_desc"] = "Add basic door",
["menu_title_slider_desc"] = "Add slider door",
["menu_title_doubles_desc"] = "Add doubles door",
["menu_type_door"] = "Type door",
["menu_manage_doors_title"] = "Door #%s",
["menu_manage_doors_desc"] = "Door Type: %s | Distance: %s | Click to Delete",
["menu_manage_doors_add_doors"] = "Add doors",
["menu_manage_doors_add_doors_desc"] = "Add new door to lock",
["menu_manage_doors_tlt"] = "Manage Doors",
["menu_spawnhouse_prop_desc"] = "Select to place this house base prop",
["menu_spawnhouses_prop_title"] = "Select House Build",
["menu_interior_save"] = "Close & Save",
["menu_interior_save_desc"] = "Select and Save Interior",
["menu_interior_select_desc"] = "Select this interior for the property",
["menu_interior_desc"] = "Select House Interior",
["menu_normal_door_edit_title"] = "Edit Entrance Door",
["menu_normal_door_select_title"] = "Select Entrance",
["menu_normal_door_edit_desc"] = "You need select entrance door for manage and enter/exit from house",
["menu_normal_door_select_desc"] = "You need select entrance door for manage and enter/exit from house",
["menu_normal_edit_interior"] = "Edit Interior",
["menu_normal_edit_interior_desc"] = "Select another shell",
["notify_you_need_set_entrance"] = "You need set entrance for select an interior",
["menu_normal_select_interior"] = "Select Interior",
["menu_normal_select_interior_desc"] = "Select a custom shell for the house interior",
["menu_normal_spawnhouse_title"] = "Spawn House [OPTIONAL]",
["menu_normal_spawnhouse_desc"] = "Do you need create house prop?",
["menu_normal_spawnhouse_edit_title"] = "Edit Spawned House",
["menu_normal_spawnhouse_edit_desc"] = "Do you need delete or edit house prop?",
["menu_normal_exterior_title"] = "Select Exterior [OPTIONAL]",
["menu_normal_exterior_desc"] = "You need select exterior for place objects",
["menu_normal_exterior_edit_title"] = "Edit Exterior",
["menu_normal_exterior_edit_desc"] = "You need select exterior for place objects",
["menu_normal_garage_title"] = "Select Garage [OPTIONAL]",
["menu_normal_garage_desc"] = "Add garage to house MLO",
["menu_normal_garage_edit_title"] = "Edit/Remove Garage",
["menu_normal_garage_edit_desc"] = "Edit or Remove garage to house MLO",
["menu_normal_price_title"] = "Set Cost",
["menu_normal_price_desc"] = "Set the cost of property",
["menu_normal_price_edit_title"] = "Edit Cost",
["menu_normal_price_edit_desc"] = "Cost %s",
["menu_normal_save_title"] = "Create Property",
["menu_normal_save_desc"] = "Save and create property",
["menu_house_normal_title"] = "Create Normal House",
["menu_house_mlo_title"] = "Create MLO House",
["menu_mlo_exterior_title"] = "Select Exterior",
["menu_mlo_exterior_desc"] = "You need select exterior for place objects",
["menu_mlo_exterior_edit_title"] = "Edit Exterior",
["menu_mlo_exterior_edit_desc"] = "You need select exterior for place objects",
["menu_mlo_doors_title"] = "Add Doors",
["menu_mlo_doors_desc"] = "Add doors from house MLO",
["menu_mlo_sign_edit_title"] = "Edit Sell Sign",
["menu_mlo_sign_edit_desc"] = "You need select position for sell sign",
["menu_mlo_sign_title"] = "Place Sell Sign",
["menu_mlo_sign_desc"] = "You need select position for sell sign",
["menu_mlo_create_house"] = "Create House",
["menu_mlo_create_house_desc"] = "You need set Exterior & Price for create a house MLO",
-- Garage
["not_vehicle_owner"] = "You are not the vehicle owner",
-- House menu
["menu_buy_property"] = "Buy Property",
["menu_buy_property_desc"] = "Press to buy for view the info",
["buy_dialog_info"] = "'Buy the property with:\n\n- [ ] Furnished \n- [%s] Garage \n- [%s] Exterior decoration \n- [x] Friendly neighbors \n\nPrice: ``$%s``\n\n*This property is sold in the condition that is appreciated of the house.*',",
["buy_btn_property"] = "Buy Property",
["menu_view_interior"] = "View Interior",
["menu_view_interior_desc"] = "Press to view interior after purchase",
["menu_open_door"] = "Open Door",
["menu_open_door_desc"] = "Press to open the door",
["menu_exit_house"] = "Exit House",
["menu_exit_house_desc"] = "Press to exit from house",
["menu_enter_house"] = "Enter in House",
["menu_enter_house_desc"] = "Press to enter in house",
["menu_close_door"] = "Close Door",
["menu_close_door_desc"] = "Press to close the door",
["notif_house_is_locked"] = "Door is locked!",
["menu_ring_bell"] = "Ring the bell",
["menu_ring_bell_desc"] = "Press ring the bell",
["target_view_prop"] = "View Property",
["textui_exit_view_house"] = "E - Exit",
["3d_save_garage"] = "~y~E ~w~- Put Vehicle",
["3d_open_garage"] = "~y~E ~w~- Open Garage",
["3d_view_property"] = "~y~E ~w~- View Property",
["3d_manage_property"] = "~y~E ~w~- Manage Property",
["menu_manage_cam_title"] = "View Door Cam",
["menu_manage_cam_desc"] = "View the exterior door cam",
--Door mlo
["mlo_open"] = "Open",
["mlo_close"] = "Close",
["mlo_door"] = " door",
--Key manage
["menu_manage_key_add_title"] = "Give New Key",
["menu_manage_key_add_desc"] = "Give new key to player in house",
["menu_manage_keys_title"] = "Manage Keys",
["menu_manage_keys_desc"] = "Manage house's keys",
["menu_add_keys_menu"] = "Give keys",
["menu_add_keys_title"] = "%s",
["menu_add_keys_desc"] = "Give key to id: %s",
["menu_manage_key_del_title"] = "%s",
["menu_manage_key_del_desc"] = "Press to remove key: %s",
["exit_camera"] = "Exit",
["out_exterior"] = "Out of exterior",
["menu_manage_admin_delete_title"] = "Delete House",
["menu_manage_admin_delete_desc"] = "Delete this house",
["dialog_manage_admin_delete_title"] = "Delete House",
["dialog_manage_admin_delete_desc"] = "Are you sure to delete this house?",
Last updated